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Clube Xadrez Brasil
Este é o Clube Oficial do Chess.com para o Canal Xadrez Brasil. Aqui, organizaremos torneios, estudos, Lives e será nosso ponto de encontro oficia...
Miracle of Chess Fan Club
Join if you like the Miracle of Chess channel!
YMTP  Institute for Intellect  and Academic Excellence
Young MindZ Transformation program is  specifically  focused for PreTeens  and Teens alike  . It's a  Unique blend of Transformational Life skills,...
Unlimited Daily Matches
UDM Here is your personal invitation to the Unlimited Daily Matches team. The aim of this club is to establish a good friendship, share ideas, ex...
C4U- 3rd Saturday
Chess for Unity, created by a group of high school and middle chess players in 2020, has organized 120+ events on chess.com. 
Burg Alley Gameroom - BAG
Games and social club for all members of Chessnuts Roasting on an Open File, -Road to GM-, and Phoenix VIP Club. Also, for any friends of @Joh...
"Welcome to chesswithbhaskar, a club for chess enthusiasts of all skill levels! Whether you're just beginning your journey or you're a seasoned pla...
Pin Oak Chess Club
Welcome to the Pin Oak Chess Club! We will hold live matches and live tournaments for the students of Pin Oak. To join, please send a request telli...
Hallo Sannu سلام Hɛlo Aloha pershendetje שלום Cześć ሀሎ नमस्ते Olá مرحبًا Nyob zoo ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Ողջույն Helló Allinllachu নমস্কাৰ Hall...
Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu
Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu Resmi Kanalı.
Clube de Xadrez de Peçanha - MG
Caro(a) novato(a),  Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso clube!   Para garantir a qualidade da nossa comunidade e manter um ambiente agrad&aacu...
Croissant and Friends
Hello there! feeling bored of chess lately? Then you should join croissant and friends! in our club you can socialize, play daily matches, vote ...
Team Zagreb
Ovo je tim za ljubitelje šaha iz Zagreba, Zagrebačke županije, kao i za sve koji vole Zagreb. Nastupamo u natjecanjima WCL - Liga gradova i...
The Ministry Of Silly Names
Welcome to The Ministry Of Silly Names I decided to create this club for two reasons. A - I thought it would be funny B - Well, I don't need a B...
Dragon Lovers VC League
This is a VOTE CHESS League. Entry only for Admins who represent a club. 
Team Somalia
Teamkani waa teamka chessta officialka ah ee Somalia.
Simcoe County Chess Club
This is the club for chess players in Simcoe County.  Join us for our on-line Wednesday Warriors blitz tournaments 7:30-8:30 on the second and four...
Hawaii Chess Federation
The Hawaii Chess Federation (HCF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. HCF is the official Hawaii state affiliat...
KNSB Nederland
Club voor toernooien van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond Alleen spelers waarvan wij de echte naam kennen, kunnen meesterpunten verdienen. D...
ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕟 ℝ𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕤
Are you a night owl who thrives in the darkness? Enjoy the thrill of rushing through the cool breeze? Or maybe... you're a driven chess player, cha...
Team Barcelona
Per tota la gent que viu a Barcelona, hi hagi estat o li agradi la ciutat. Para toda la gente que viva en Barcelona, haya estado en ella o le guste...