Hello! My name is Danny and I really like drawing, playing, and I always eat like EVERYTIME!
I do realistic arts on IBIS PAINT X especially FOOD!
Like this! I drew this for my school https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQna4zOCY/6-K3hiA3hsj0k_DW2lUb9Q/view?utm_content=DAGQna4zOCY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
I know 11 things about you.
1. You are reading this
2 You are using a gadget.
3. You can't say the letter "M" without closing your lips
4. You attempted it
5. You are laughing at yourself, and you skipped number 6
7. You checked for number 6
8. You are laughing because you fell for it and the others too
9. You have a smile on your face
10. Copy and paste this to see if anyone falls for it too >:3
Here are my old animations, this was 1-2 years ago :3
I think this animation is one of my best! Took me 2 days but not straight. My favorite part in this art is the kitchen!
This animation is my favorite!
This one too! I love cookies UwU
That's all of my arts that is the best in my opinion! Also, please make sure to tell some blogs ideas that are useful! But I will decide to confirm it or not because some ideas can be a little difficult to make.
Also, if you wanna draw where I draw arts, and animations, click this link! FlipAnim - create flipbook animations online! Doesn't have a virus.