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Experienced Variant Players
Only experienced variant creator/players may join this club.
Rob's USCF Tournaments Club
A Club of those invited interested in USCF online rated chess, if you want to join the club, you must be A united states chess federation member. ...
Chess Canadian
Chess Canadian is a team for Canadians and people interested in Canada. Chess Canadian est une équipe pour les Canadiens et les personnes intéress...
My absolutely amazing besties
I'm creating this club for my friends and for chatting!! If you ask me in a private chat I will make you super admin you must be my friend to join ...
Team Türkiye
Team Türkiye: Dünya ve Avrupa Live Chess Ligi, Dünya Ligi, Avrupa Ligi ve Asya Liginde ülkemizi temsil etmektedir. Türkiye bayrağı taşıyorsanız, üç...
Greek Arena
Αμιγώς Ελληνική ομάδα. Όροι έντ&a...
Bag End Club
If you are a fan of hobbits and all things Middle Earth, please join us for some tea, cakes, and daily chess at Bag End 🌿☕🍰🍷🍀 Bag End Club - Ches...
Bienvenido al mejor club de España ¡vivan los niniers!
Fog of War
The home of Fog of War, currently the most popular Chess variant!! Discuss strategy, lines and tactics, and come hang out! We look forward to mee...
Whitman-Hanson Chess Club
Club for the Whitman-Hanson Regional High School Chess Club
Шахматный клуб для школьников (админ -  FM Айвар Раудиве). Šaha klubs skolēniem (admins - FM Aivars Raudive). Chess Club for Schoolchildren (admi...
The Strategic Masters
Welcome to the Strategic Masters!! We are a community of chess enthusiasts dedicated to mastering the art of strategy and critical thinking. Our ...
Fruzsi's Magyar Tigers
Welcome! This group was made for szefru's Twitch community, and here we will have tournaments, play chess together, and do other fun stuff! I will ...
Daily Tournaments Fans Club
Enjoy a daily play, every day! Join us for Daily Tournaments. Hello, I would like to invite you to join our chess club Daily Tournaments Fans Club...
Team Sarcelles
Bonjour  Je vous invite dans l'équipe de la ville de Sarcelles. Nous avons besoin de vous et votre soutien est important pour nous. N...
Chennai Chess Club Official
Chennai Chess club was initiated to bring in all chess enthusiasts irrespecting of age and skill level. We meet and socialise in a cafe every week ...
KNSB Nederland
Club voor toernooien van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond Alleen spelers waarvan wij de echte naam kennen, kunnen meesterpunten verdienen. D...
Serbia-Russia Team
Ovo je zajednička grupa Srba i Rusa-Это общая группа сербов и русских. Нас и Руса 300 000 000!