
Every Sacrifice To Destroy Your Opponent

Every Sacrifice To Destroy Your Opponent

Check out four new lessons on piece sacrifices in the opening!

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili is here to show how to checkmate, even a well-protected king!

  • Learn six dangerous gambit ideas.
  • Learn the famous "Greek Gift" sacrifice.
  • Break through on the vulnerable f7-square.
  • See how to attack the kingside dark-squares.

The Greek Gift Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

How do you keep up the attack after your opponent has castled? Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you how, starting with one of the most famous sacrifices in all of chess, the Greek Gift bishop sacrifice on h7!
15 min
5 sfide

Sacrificing On g7: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili is back with a second video on attacking the kingside. Now she demonstrates how to sacrifice on g2 or g7 and force the opponent's king into the abyss.
15 min
5 sfide

Sacrificing On f7: Every Sacrifice

The weakest points in the initial chess position are the f2- and f7-squares. Even a castled king is vulnerable on those lightly guarded points. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows how two world champions sacrificed and won by capturing those f-pawns.
11 min
5 sfide

Bxh6: Every Sacrifice

Often when a pawn has advanced in front of the king it can be captured with a powerful sacrifice. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili brings you this amazing game by the young GM Andrey Esipenko!
10 min
5 sfide

Rxc3: Every Sacrifice

An exchange sacrifice on c3 to expose White's king is a common motif in many Sicilians and world champion, Garry Kasparov was one of the best attackers of all time. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili brings you one of Kasparov's greatest games.
12 min
5 sfide

Knight Sacrifice On g5: Every Sacrifice

Often your opponent will attempt to break a pin by advancing the g-pawn. When that happens, you always need to consider a knight sacrifice to keep the pin going and attack the king.
8 min
5 sfide

Double Bishop Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

You might know about the standard Bxh7 sacrifice, but sometimes you need to give both bishops to win the game! WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili brings you the details.
8 min
5 sfide

Fishing Pole: Every Sacrifice

When you want to catch an opponent there's nothing better than the fishing pole tactic. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you how to hook a big fish.
8 min
5 sfide

Knight Sacrifice On f5: Every Sacrifice

It's been called "knife f5" for a reason! WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you the power of a knight sacrifice on f5.
8 min
5 sfide

g-Pawn Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili is back with more sacrifices to destroy your opponent! She begins her coverage of common pawn sacrifices in the opening with the g2-g4 advance, an idea that's getting more common by the day!
13 min
5 sfide

Blocking Pawn Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili demonstrates a common pawn sacrifice to slow your opponent's development. She demonstrates a brilliant sacrificial miniature by GM Pentala Harikrishna against GM Hikaru Nakamura.
13 min
5 sfide

Poisoned Pawns: Every Sacrifice

Should you capture that pawn or is it poisoned? WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili demonstrates another thematic pawn sacrifice in the opening.
17 min
5 sfide

Benko Style Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili demonstrates another common opening sacrifice. One side can give up a pawn for open lines and long-term pressure.
15 min
5 sfide

Catalan Style Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

One of the trendiest sacrifices at the top level is to give up a pawn on c4 in the Catalan or Slav Defense. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you how it's done.
16 min
5 sfide

Danish Gambit Style Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

One of the most aggressive was to meet the open games or the Sicilian is to sacrifice quickly with d4 and c3. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili brings you a quick win by GM Vasyl Ivanchuk.
10 min
5 sfide

Pawn Sacrifice In The Center: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili begins her review of key pawn sacrifices in the middlegame with a powerful central pawn sacrifice to cut the board in two and start a deadly kingside attack.
14 min
5 sfide

The e5 and f5 Double Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

What sacrifice has taken down brilliant attackers like Tal and Topalov? WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you one of the most brutal middlegame sacrifices around.
13 min
5 sfide

Pawn Sacrifices On The h-File: Every Sacrifice

When your opponent fianchettos on the kingside, how should you attack? WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows a common sacrifice to break open the opponent's kingside.
17 min
5 sfide

A Sacrificial Pawn Storm: Every Sacrifice

In closed positions, pawn sacrifices are often a key strategy to open lines for your piece. WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili demonstrates a key idea, most commonly seen in the King's Indian Defense.
10 min
5 sfide

The f5 Pawn Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili wraps up her overview of pawn sacrifices in the middlegame with a powerful pawn sacrifice to break open the opponent's kingside.
12 min
5 sfide

The e6 Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili is back to demonstrate piece sacrifices to catch an uncastled king. She starts with sacrifices on e6 to explode the center and prevent the opponent from castling.
10 min
5 sfide

The Nd5 And Nf5 Sacrifices: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows a deadly sacrifice that appears frequently in the Sicilian. An impossible-looking knight jump leads to an open file and doom for the black king.
15 min
5 sfide

The Double Rook Sacrifice: Every Sacrifice

It's not every day that you can sacrifice both rooks for checkmate! WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili shows you how to pull off one of the most spectacular sacrifices in chess.
16 min
5 sfide

f7 Sacrifices In The Opening: Every Sacrifice

WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili wraps up her series on sacrifices by showing beautiful sacrifices on f7 to expose the black king in the opening.
8 min
5 sfide

Every Sacrifice To Destroy Your Opponent

24 lezioni
294 minuti
120 sfide
Pubblicata 6/29/2021