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ბრილიანტის წევრი
Chess.com მწვრთნელი

I am a USCF Senior Master and Internationally Rank Chess Master, Certified Trainer/Coach with a peak Chess rating appr. 2685 , become a chess master at the age of 12 y.o.  1978-79 International Game House ( Masters Division ) Champion awarded the Original FIDE Master title by then FIDE General secretary  and FIDE Chairman of Rating committee Mr. Manuel Lara .  

For those players that wants to play me, sorry I do not play on this account !!! But if you really insist of playing me , I have an anonymous account in LiChess.org which I play bullet and always open with either 1. a4 or 1. h4 , 1. f3 followed by 2. Kf2 , 1. Na3 or 1. Nh3  , 1. a3 or 1. h3 which they called the Crab's opening and sometimes the Bongcloud !!! As black I do the same  thing with color reverse !!! And I have a 95%  plus score which I have save  the games for my record !!!

Coaches 1 780 წევრი
PRO Chess League
PRO Chess League 21 078 წევრი
The masters of chess!
The masters of chess! 33 წევრი
Titled Players Group
Titled Players Group 41 წევრი