Encontre um Clube de Xadrez

The LA Chess Club
Follow us on instagram. Los Angeles Chess Club All official Links Follow us on instagram.  We are a community of young adults who play...
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Oleksandr Bortnyk , ( born 18 Octobre 1996) is an Ukrainian grandmaster who living in USA .He is streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/bortnykchess .
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Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
Admins of Team Bulgaria
Тази група е предназначена за админите от Отбор България
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chessinside 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/chessinside 인스타그램: @chessinside
1 484
Checkmaters International Chess Hub
Hello, Checkmaters International Chess Hub Welcome to Checkmaters International Chess Hub, a vibrant community for chess enthusiasts of all lev...
Team Zambia
This is the group representing '' ZAMBIA '' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
2 137
The Strategic Minds Chess Club
Our steadfast commitment to promoting friendship at The Strategic Minds Chess Club surpasses all limitations. We shall never waver in our convictio...
Cecilian Dragons
Official Team of WIM Cecile Haussernot https://www.youtube.com/@Cecile_Haussernot  
엔둥이 체스 크루
playentry.org 체스닷컴을 즐기는 엔둥이들을 위한 클랜입니다! 심심할 땐 체스 한 판 하시죠?  (리더 : 엔달인)
Super Heroes and Villains
Up, up, and awaaaaay!
Opening Book Club
This club is test out all openings across the board
The Cats
Welcome to The Cats! We are looking for strong, brilliant, smart chess players like yourself! We're an unequalled international chess group with me...
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Royal Wallachian Chess Club
Klub pro všechny milovníky Valašska a celé Moravy, přírodních krás, kultury, památek i šachu.Pro potěchu duše a mysli slouží fotografie přírodních ...
_________________________________________________________   🔱What We Do🔱 Hello there players across the world welcome to ch3ss_k1ngd0m ....
Love the chess variant "crazyhouse"? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc.
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My absolutely amazing besties
I'm creating this club for my friends and for chatting!! If you ask me in a private chat I will make you super admin you must be my friend to join ...
Club de Ajedrez de Luisón
Bienvenido a mi club. Si formas parte de él podrás participar en los torneos que organizaremos para entrenar un poco y animar los shows de http://t...
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Transgender Club
 A club for any who fall somewhere under the trans umbrella, as well as our supporters/allies who share a passion for chess!
Arlington Chess Club in Texas
Anyone of any age or playing level is welcome at our casual weekly meetings. We require no formal membership process to just walk in and play. We m...
1 025
This club is full of the people who weren't able to escape the darkness, how long will it be until you have been trapped? And were also a competiti...