Encontra um Clube de Xadrez

5D Chess
5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's the first-ever chess var...
1 694
Tactics and Strategy Chess.com
Hi, you were chosen for the Tactics and Strategy group. We are more than 5875 members and we are reinforcing all lines of play at all levels of our...
5 911
Hello, We would like to extend an invitation for you to join our club.   We are the number 1 club that award many 1 month Gold members...
6 201
Zombie RP
You just woke up to a desolate world of chaos. People are attacking others, biting, and so forth. This is just a roleplaying/social club :> ...
Szachowa społeczność związana z portalem Infoszach. Naszym celem jest promocja królewskiej gry w Polsce. W tym klubie spodziewajcie się informacji...
8 376
Pro Chess Gang
Hello Friends. Welcome to our club. I Have a reminder for you. This Club is not like normal!On the contrary, it is a Speed Chess Club. HAVE FUN!Rul...
The Globetrotters
Hi, welcome to The Globetrotters Club Where you can comfortably play chess, share your views, strategies, tactics, learn from each other and also ...
The Royal Falcon Club
You are welcome to join The Royal Falcon Club. We are a team of Amateur & Professional Chess players from all over the world united to share ou...
1 369
Admiral's Fox Den
Welcome. I guess my private club https://www.chess.com/club/admiral-chessbeard-private-club wasn't enough for you. It doesn't matter. Nobody could...
Team Honduras
This is the group representing ''Honduras'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
1 787
Geelong Chess Club Online
Geelong Chess Club's online counterpart!  If you're a Geelong local, feel free to chuck us a request!
Official Vishy Anand Chess Club
This is the OFFICIAL fan club of GM Viswanathan Anand. Join the club to meet and connect with fans of Anand from all around the world. Members will...
5 854
Chess.com em Português
 Bem-vindo ao Clube Oficial do Chess.com em Português 😍------------------------------ Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais - também entr...
33 831
Kings and Queens Chess Club
Hi to All!  We are a club with not too many members, and all of you are invited to be here. All club members are ACTIVE ones. We don't w...
Brilliant Guys
"Welcome to Brilliant guys club , a vibrant community for chess enthusiasts of all skill levels! Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the bas...
Clube de Xadrez de Peçanha - MG
Caro(a) novato(a),  Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso clube!   Para garantir a qualidade da nossa comunidade e manter um ambiente agrad&aacu...
We leisurely swim on all the oceans of the Earth at a speed of 7-14 days per move.
1 379
Team Venezuela
Hola! Te invito a formar parte de Team Venezuela, somos el grupo que representa a Venezuela en la Liga Mundial de Chess.com. Nos gustaria que te un...
2 845
Fair and Open Discussion
Welcome ! The Fair & Open Discussion is a growing debating club. We talk about Religion, Politics, Philosophy and about everything you could i...
Campionato Italiano a Squadre
Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Campionato Italiano a Squadre.