
My name is Raghav Navaneeth,

I love my Mother and my Father and sibilings. I love doing origami. I love my friends a lot to and my online friends.

I made this chess account for fun. I am 15 years old.My username is AI_number_7723.

You should see my sister's profile. Her name is Raghavi. She is a 1000 ranker in rapid. I love her a lot. Her username is slimrunningpuma. She is 10 years old. happy 

I hate my little brother, Arjun. He is very annoying and keeps telling on me. You should see his profile. He is verynoob in chess. His username is Junjunvala. angry

Me and Raghavi are Twins.

My mother has two accounts. The first account's username is Junior_Jumper. And the second account's usernameis deepanavaneeth. Her real name is Deepa AKA my mother. happy

                                           Please join my club called together

                                                   Thank you friends

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