

Don't mess with me or you will get it- Because some things i dont allow are: Don't tell me you want a girlfriend because i ain't it and i won't be it
 Don't tell me i'm attractive or you will be blocked
 No cussing around me I hate it forever now
 Don't say you love me and be weird ;-;
 Don't pretend to be my friend then go behind my back and do something horrible
 Don't friend me because i will only friend you if i talk to you in a club and find out you are nice
 Don't troll me
 Don't spam me
 Don't even talk to me unless you are a best friend of mine or a friend of mine or have a reason for talking to me
 Don't be disrespectful to me or my friends or you will get banned or reported
 Don't copy my stuff
 Don't say anything bad about my profile just because you don't like it and if i hear you are my friend and said something about my profile I don't wanna be your friend no more ;-;
 Don't be a creep to me I don't friend creeps
 Yeah i know its prob a lot of complaining and these rules you think but really they are not hard to follow it's just called BE KIND PLEASE and i'll be kind to you and if you arent kind to me i will be to you then politly block you thanks for visiting my profile bye- oh wait there's more scroll down please
 And another thing my sexuality is straight so dont be weird to me about how you love me if you are lesbian also men dont hound me either cuz your never gonna get a gf and i meant it im not gonna be your girlfriend so please kindly LEAVE ME ALONE if you talk to me for that purpose because you are never gonna get anywhere thanks for understanding happy pushes block button  that's what will happen if anything weird happens
 Don't talk to me about trolls 

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