Find a Chess Club

Have you ever lost a chess game so bad that you broke your pc, burnt your house down and caused a nuclear war? Well, this club is for you. In this ...
Serbia-Russia Team
Ovo je zajednička grupa Srba i Rusa-Это общая группа сербов и русских. Нас и Руса 300 000 000!
Peak Performers
Peak Performers is a very active, well established club which focuses mostly on daily matches. We have over 50,000 match points and are very close ...
Asociacion Mexicana de Ajedrez-AMA
Nosotros: AMA (Asociación Mexicana de Ajedrez) es una agrupación de personas amantes del Ajedrez, integrada por jugadores Nacionales ...
11 135
Xadrez Rio Preto
Clube de Xadrez: "MF Leomar Borges".Grupo de São José do Rio Preto e Região. Venha participar das aulas com o Mestre FIDE Le...
Silicon Valley Chess
Welcome to the Chess Community in the SF Bay Area. It's the community that organizes Chess in-person events:1. Weekly Chess Night Games in bars2. ...
The Amazing Chess Warriors
  🎉 Welcome to The Amazing Chess Warriors! 🏆 Ready to flex your chess muscles and battle it out on the 64-square battlefield? Whether you&...
       International chess club  Join in and play.....LUMINOUS CHESS CLUB Welcome to our group 😊     ⭐...
1 060
Yorkshire Terriers
A team for all Yorkies at home or in foreign parts. If you are proud of your county and want to be a part of our team please join. This Group is ...
Princess and warrior's
 Princess and Warrior's Club for Friends is an online chess group for chess addicts. We do play thematic and open tournaments, feel free to jo...
Satranç Dünyam Youtube
FM Yasin Emrah Yağız'la Satranç Dünyam
Team Japan
このグループは日本に住んでいる人、または日本と強い関係のある人のためのチームです。日本の代表として、他のチームと対戦し、一緒にチェスを楽しみましょう。This is a group for people living in or having a strong connection to Ja...
3 893
Chess Poland
Polski klub. Wiele turniejów, meczów dziennych i innych wydarzeń. Ponad 400 osób. Jesteśmy w TOP 10 polskich klubów w s...
Chess Boot Camp
For improving chess players (500-1200) only. A place to get free help and coaching from more experienced players (1200-1500+).
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gramy tur...
The Club That Needs A Name
Welcome, have fun, debate, chat and make friends. Participate in tournaments, arena’s and much more. Just make sure you follow the rules, and...
137 Wizards
Hello, You're cordially invited to join our club Wizards. Our club has 800+ members (getting 5 members per day), and our next Target🎯 i...
hunter x hunter chess club
this is a hunter x hunter fan chess club where u can talk about hunter x hunter and play chess at the same time so have fun we are also the top hun...
The Optimistic Chess Stars
If you have a fervent love for the game of chess, look no further than our esteemed club, the Optimistic Chess Stars, where passion meets skill. Ou...
Razzle's Secret Society
🔥Certified Chess Hustlers Only.🔥
Mikus Music
Miku Rizz
Team Galicia
Team Galicia representa a Galicia na World League, a European League e a World League de Xadrez 960.  Todo o mundo é benvido con v&ia...
1 178
🍔🐱 **Welcome to Pizza-Kitty: The Purr-fect Chess Club!** 🐱🍔   Greetings! 🎉 We’re excited to introduce our amazing club, **Pizza-Kitty ...
The Average Community
A club for average people Feeeel free to spam  we have VC matches and weekly tournaments so we hope u enjoy  Hope u enjoy and then ...
Šachový klub Expediční střední ScioŠkoly byl založen pro ateliér Šachy, ale může být využ&i...