Find a Chess Club

Jackalope USCF Club
Welcome to the Jackalope Club In order to be/stay in this club you need to keep your USCF membership up to date and for me to verify that you’re w...
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
United Nations For Chess
Hello My Mighty Fellow World Citizens, I would like to welcome you all to join this club. This club is meant to promote Chess to all despite your ...
1 842
The LA Chess Club
Follow us on instagram. Los Angeles Chess Club All official Links Follow us on instagram.  We are a community of young adults who play...
1 265
Team Buckinghamshire
Team Buckinghamshire represents Bucks in the UK & Ireland County Championship where we play in the top division of 5. The format is Daily Chess...
The Stormfields
This club is only for the Stormfields. If u don't think ur supposed to be in it, ur not.
Team Galicia
Team Galicia representa a Galicia na World League, a European League e a World League de Xadrez 960.  Todo o mundo é benvido con v&ia...
1 178
B1ZHUB Printing Press
If you want to join, please pm an admin or super admin for why you want to join and wait for them to approve you. Most other requests otherwise wil...
Variants are the best
Hello, dear friend! 😃 We are excited to extend a warm invitation for you to join our vibrant chess club! With a thriving community of over 3,300 ...
3 346
Future Legends
Introducing the "Future Legends" Chess Club   The "Future Legends" Chess Club was established with the goal of training and developing you...
The checkmate crew
Join Our Growing Chess Community! ♟️ Welcome! We're a group of chess players trying to build a friendly community. Join us for  friendly dis...
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 584
Light Knights
We love the game of chess! Regardless of nation and religion! We believe that chess unites people of planet Earth... We are against war and nazism ...
1 245
join for a taco ----------------------//\\---------------------// ¤ \\---------------------\\ ¤ //---------------------- \\//-----...
Xadrez Piracicaba
Um clube para aqueles que amam o Xadrez e a Piracicaba!
Chess electricity city
Greetings everyone. In this club, we will host great events and have a lot of fun If follow the rules, you will have the opportunity to become a su...
HEI Chess
Welcome to HEI Chess club! Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, our club is the perfect place to connect, learn, and grow...
Subscribe YouTube Channel    
2 654
- Gwoup saa, se pou tout Ayisyen, nan peyi Dayiti kou lotbodlo. Byenvini! Ou lakay ou! - This group is for all Haitians, both in-country and diasp...
Promote to Infinity
  We are the Promote To Infinity chess club! Join this club if you want to play daily matches and vote chess ! We also have amazing, cre...
Team Croatia
Dobrodošli u Team Croatia! Ovo je grupa koja predstavlja Hrvatsku na natjecanjima u Europskoj ligi, Svjetskoj ligi i Svjetskoj lig...
1 080
Silverdale Chess Club
Like the Great Beer Halls of Europe, the Silverdale Chess Club at Moment Brewing is built for Chess and for Chessplayers. The address is 10876...