Daily Chess Cash-Prize Invitationals

221 Tag
2021. máj. 4.
0 esemény részvétel

Members compete in Daily Chess Tournaments with 2-day time control and must adhere to Fair Play principles.   Cash prizes will be awarded once it is determined that prize winners' games were played in accordance with Fair Play.

Fellow Daily Chess Players,

I would like to invite you to join the 8th Daily Chess Cash-Prize Invitational. The entry fee is $15 (titled players free) and the Prizes, which may be increased, are $60-$30 per group of 8 players.

You can pay me electronically, and I will explain how to do so in a separate message. Once I receive your payment, I'll Invite you into the Tournament.

We will have multiple Sections given enough players,

Thanks and I look forward to having you. Nick :-)
