--The Cozy Cabin--
Welcome to the Cozy Cabin
Our Mission
Roles We Have
How To Become A Worker Here
Worker Form
Hello! Welcome to the Cozy Cabin! We're so glad you're here! Feel free to kick your feet up and relax. Just talk with friends, maybe play a few chess matches, and just have a good time!
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide a soothing club where everyone can escape life's chaos. We strive to try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
Don't spam.
No racism, homophobia, or discrimination of any kind.
No cursing.
Don't yell or be mean. If someone is getting on your nerves, please tell an admin about it.
No politics.
Warning: If you fail to follow these rules you may be banned from this club.
Roles We Have
We have different roles you can be.
Admin: Watch over the club and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Coordinator: Plan fun chess events for our club.
Moderator: Make sure no one is bothering anybody.
How To Become A Worker Here
If you want to work here, and be an admin, coordinator, etc. then fill out the following form.
===========================================================================Worker Form:
Preferred Pronouns
What Role You Want
How Active You Are Out Of 10
Why You're A Good Fit For The Job
Thank you for reading all of this! Have a great day!